Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Late but Thankful

I've been thinking a lot lately of all the things to be grateful about, partly because of the season and partly because I'm emerging from my "new mother" fog. First and foremost I am thankful for having the gospel in my life. It is really easy to forget how great it is and what it means for day to day living. I lose sight often of the eternal perspective of things but I know I can always find my way back to it once I take the time to be still and listen to the spirit. I'm grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who knows me and wants me to learn and be happy. I'm next grateful for my family. I feel very blessed to be married to Scott and have two boys of my own. It's ok that I'll probably always be outnumbered. Everyday has laughter and smiles because of them. My extended family is fantastic as well. I really think my post-Watson recovery would have been much more difficult and depressing without Challey and Amy's support and unconditional love. I love to spend time with my mom and other family and am so grateful to live close enough to have the chance to be together often...along with that I'm thankful Scott is patient and loving enough with me to participate too. I'm grateful to live where I do and know the people I know. I'm constantly amazed at the generosity of time and talent given by the people in my ward. I aspire to be like my girlfriends who are so accepting and constant. Yes, life really is beautiful and I want to be grateful daily.

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