Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Day at the Beach, Kind Of

On the short list of "things to do this summer" was a visit to Antelope Island, at The Great Salt Lake. I had never been there, but do remember long ago trying to float on the lake. So, I thought I would give Chandler the same chance to try it out. We packed up the car with sand toys and snacks and headed out to Syracuse? Beyond Syracuse? Challey and her kids came along and made it fun for everyone. It was quite the adventure. Aside from the smell--it is pretty stinky--and the bugs---there are a katrillion gnats or something---we had a good time. Watson loved digging in the sand, Chandler loved float attempting, and we topped it all off with hot Krispy Kremes and yummy Italian ice. It was a once in a lifetime road trip. Well, maybe I'll try it again when Watson is a little bit older.

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