Monday, June 8, 2015

The End of Preschool

 Watson not only survived but thrived in his second year of preschool. He was excited and anxious to continue learning his letters and starting to read. He loved being with his friends at school every day and tried really hard to be nice to everyone. His favorite thing to do was play on the monkey bars at recess. He was persistent at getting strong enough to make it across and back many times. I loved picking him up from school and hearing about his determination and adventures. He started a little detective club and was the leader, Agent W. His creativity is fantastic and is super determined to make things work out. His gift for completing a great school year was to go to Build a Bear. We spent an hour there and he was over the moon about his new stuffed animal.
In keeping with tradition starting with Chandler, and because I can't get rid of all of my elementary school teacher personality, Watson is working on a summer workbook. He was very enthusiastic the first day, and it is waning but we will succeed! He's a smart boy, I need to keep him engaged.

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