Friday, November 27, 2015

Very Thankful

2015 has been an incredible, busy, happy year for me. The biggest event was welcoming Daisy. It is so hard for me to even really express how much gratitude I feel for this sweet addition to our family. Also, Chandler moved back to Utah from Florida this year, so it feels like we are a "normal" little family again. I'm so thankful to my Heavenly Father for helping me feel hope that everything was going to be ok and to move forward with faith. Thanksgiving was truly a time to reflect on the difficulties and blessings of this year and feel  enormous gratitude.

I love my little family and the moments we connect together.
My happy girl brings me such joy!

I'm so grateful to live close to sweet Challey and fun cousins for Watson.

Although his constant conversation sometimes drives me crazy, I love my little daily companion.

We do miss Chandler every other holiday but are so grateful he is home.

I'm so thankful Scott loves Daisy this much!

We had a beautiful table and conversation at dinner with Grandma Nettie and Chad and Amy's family.

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