Monday, May 9, 2016

Blessed Mother's Day

Mother's Day was full of so many surprises this year. I spent the Saturday before by myself for a couple of hours getting a pedicure and shopping a bit. I came home to the biggest secret ever! Scott has been working with my dad to find the perfect piano for me. I love it and I'm so excited to start playing again. Watson and Daisy love it too. Maybe I'll get good enough again to accompany our hymn singing during family home evening. We shall see. 

These people of mine bring me the greatest joy (and sometimes the greatest frustration) I could ever imagine. I prayed for so many years to have a family to call my own. To mother day in and day out for eternity. Watson is so full of energy and really never runs out of ideas to share. He amazes me with his zest for life and I really have a hard time keeping up. Daisy is absolutely a light in my life. She is so happy and patient and lovey. Chandler made me Mom first and I couldn't be more grateful for that boy. I made some mistakes along the way but he loves me despite them. Mothering can be hard. I feel like I've lost parts of myself along the way. But, I feel like because of that I've found a better version of myself I would never have become if I hadn't been a mother.

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