Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Most of you know that I really love Chandler and I would do practically anything for him...including allowing pets. About two years ago I agreed Chandler could use his birthday money to buy a gecko, Stripes. I was kind of outnumbered about this but consented as long as I didn't have to see or smell or deal with the yucky stuff that comes along with the lizard. Needless to say, I have seen and smelled and dealt with our little pet. My biggest "ewww" about having a gecko is that his diet consists mainly of live crickets. Right now I can hear chirping (usually the crickets are chirpless but every now and then, they aren't.) I don't know where it is coming from. I'm thinking that little bugger is in my kitchen or living room. I don't know how it happens, but crickets escape the cage somewhat regularly and I have found some--dead and alive. Usually I will call for Chandler or Scott to retrieve the escapee but there have been times I've handled it myself. I hate the thought of anything like this roaming the house, but, as I said in the beginning, I love Chandler. So, most of the time I ignore the incovenience and grossness of it all because he is happy and proud to be a gecko owner and I'm not ready for a dog. I'm getting closer...but I'm not quite there, I have to be ok to being a pooper scooper for as long as the dog shall live before we get one.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The D*%# Chairs

I don't know what I was thinking when I ripped the fabric off my kitchen chairs... All I could see when I looked at them was stains from a kid that sees no need for napkins and drippings from a battery bursting from the doorbell casing. I could not get my kitchen chairs to look clean and it drove me nuts every day! So, I started the project that would take a couple of months. I didn't remember this to be such a pain when I did them ten years ago. Thanks to Scott and moral support from my mom, I did get them finished. They turned out better than I expected so I thought I'd share. I vowed to Scott I would never do this project again. :)

One of Many

Chandler had a couple of extra races this past weekend. It was the 2008 ABA State Races on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. His mom took him to the races on Friday night and Saturday. Scott and I made it to the Saturday race and Chandler did awesome! He is getting used to riding his new bike, it is 12 pounds lighter than his other one. You wouldn't think 12 pounds would make such a difference but he was flying over those hills. There were only three kids in his moto so he did race in all three races. Saturday he came in 2nd for each one and placed 2nd over all. I was so proud that he set a goal for himself for the main race. He said he wanted to place second. He had to work pretty hard during the main race and caught up to the rider in 2nd place during the rhythm section. He pedaled really hard for the last part and met his goal. Chandler has three regular races left so that's where you'll find us the next three Thursday nights.