Monday, September 8, 2008

The D*%# Chairs

I don't know what I was thinking when I ripped the fabric off my kitchen chairs... All I could see when I looked at them was stains from a kid that sees no need for napkins and drippings from a battery bursting from the doorbell casing. I could not get my kitchen chairs to look clean and it drove me nuts every day! So, I started the project that would take a couple of months. I didn't remember this to be such a pain when I did them ten years ago. Thanks to Scott and moral support from my mom, I did get them finished. They turned out better than I expected so I thought I'd share. I vowed to Scott I would never do this project again. :)


Anonymous said...

You are so creative. They look great!

Challey said...

They look so cute. Way to go on your d%$#* chairs. So, are you for hire? I want to sand and refinish my kitchen table and chairs. What do you think?

Walker Family said...

They look awesome Chazzie. Hopefully everyone will start to use napkins for you from now on.

Unknown said...

As always you are so good at making things look very cute.
They are awesome!
I couldn't have done it.
Keep creating beatiful things!
Is it time for another zone yet?

Daisy Paige said...

Those chairs are so cute, Chazzie. They turned out great.