Scott decided he wanted to teach the boys some "Man" stuff. Fishing is on this list. He and Chandler used to go quite a bit when Chandler was much younger. So the boys set out for an adventure. After stocking up on supplies and a fishing license they headed to the little Sandy City Urban Fishery. Watson was thrilled to use his Lightening McQueen fishing pole and be outside with Dad, Chandler and Sparky. He did sit still for a little bit as they got situated. Sparky chased the ducks into the pond and ended up swimming after them a couple of times.

Chandler was an old pro and caught about four fish. I think there is something to be said about sitting quietly and patiently for a stretch of time. While there Chandler and Scott had a chance to exercise a bit of faith. As Scott cleaned the fish in a shallow part of the pond his wedding band slipped off and disappeared in the dark silt. Chandler and Scott looked for over an hour for the ring but couldn't find it anywhere. When they told me about it Scott was upset to have lost it. Chandler suggested they pray to find it, which they did. However, they still couldn't find it. It was time to go home and they left reluctantly with a resolve to come back later that night with flashlights.
Watson also caught a fish, his first one. He was so excited to be a part of it all.
Chandler and Scott's faith and prayers were enough to help them find Scott's wedding band. They did go back to the pond after dinner and Watson's bedtime and found the ring in less than 10 minutes. It was a great experience for them together. I'm grateful for our Heavenly Father's mercy in answering prayers for simple things. He loves us. I know it.