Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanks, Thanks, and Thanks

Thanksgiving this year was spent in a traditional fashion. Scott, Watson and I started the morning early with my running in the Food Bank Human Race 5K. It has been a fun thing to do Thanksgiving morning the last three years. Scott is such a trooper to support me and be patient with the crowds. We then met up with my family at my mom's house. Of course the food was plentiful and delicious and it was fun to play Bingo together. As we ate our feast my mom asked for the best thing that has happened to each of us this year. I really struggled with this question. In fact, I couldn't even answer it at the time. So much has happened, so much to be thankful about but also much to be sad about. So I guess I will begin...The beginning of the year was exciting with a trip for Scott and me to Maui. It was fantastic to experience this beautiful place together for the first time. Scott also started working for a new company in February and that brought many blessings to our family. Another thing to be thankful about was we got pregnant in March...but then miscarried in June. The experience was bittersweet in knowing it was possible to get pregnant again (even if it seems to take 2 years each time) but difficult in accepting that it was not meant to be right now. We have taken some really great vacations together as a family, our favorite being our Yellowstone visit. The middle of the year has had interruptions to our family peace by custody issues. This has been a great year for our family with many opportunities to learn that Heavenly Father is over all. He knows us each. He loves us more than anyone else can. He will care for our needs and many of our wants, as long as we trust Him. I continue to be taught how to trust Him. Thanksgiving was a great time of reflection and I look forward to more learning and blessings for myself and my family.
Watson's attempt at taking my "portrait."

A little treat

Thanksgiving at Grandma Nettie's

We practiced written gratitude almost every day with our Thankful Tree.

Some of our daily thanks.

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