Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer = Rodeo

I don't think anyone who knows us would peg us to be a very "western" kind of family. But every once in a while it is great fun to observe and participate in a good, home town rodeo. Challey and Spencer invited us to go to the Draper Days rodeo this past Saturday. I think the motivation behind it was so Scott and Spencer and some other unnamed fool could attempt the crazy cow milking contest. I'm happy to say they didn't enter, but Chandler tried the Cash Calf and Stratton was tough enough for Mutton Bustin'. You'll have to see Challey's blog for the video on Stratton's adventure. We had a good time and I felt all kinds of American during the special flag presentation. Chandler was very excited about the Cash Calf. His goal was to get $4, I'm not sure how he arrived at that number but we applauded his enthusiasm. There were two groups of kids for this event, Chandler was with the bigger kids. I'm not sure how many there were, about 60, I'm guessing. If you ask Chandler, the number gets bigger each time he talks about it. There was one poor calf with money attached in plastic baggys to a cover over its back. The whole thing took less than five minutes. Chandler was pretty tough but did say the calf stepped on his arm when he tried to trip its front legs. Needless to say, he didn't grab any cash but he had a good story to tell later!
It seems there is always something fun to do as a family in the summer time! However, I don't know how to fit it all in. I'd love to make it to a Bees game this year, and I know Scott and Chandler want to see how the BMX action is happening.


Daisy Paige said...

You know, I'm not really a 'western' girl either, but rodeos are fun to watch! Too bad Scott didn't try the milking contest - I bet it'd have been hilarious.

Daisy Paige said...

PS - I really like that family pic of you guys at the top.