Friday, May 31, 2013

NO Training Wheels

We are outside quite a bit. We like to ride bikes, scooters, anything with wheels. We also like to ride bikes, scooters, anything with wheels off of ramps. I often hear, "Mom, watch me!" while outside. I don't always give me kids the proper attention as I seem to find ways to be busy in my yard instead. However, one day the end of May made me stop everything I was doing and stare at my 3 year old. He was riding his first pedal two wheeler with no training wheels.

His little yellow balance bike did the trick. He could manage on a two wheeler just fine. I was surprised he was so coordinated at pedaling and braking. It was a matter of minutes before he was pedaling as fast as his little legs could go. I am so proud of him. And I credit the desire and readiness all to Scott. It won't be long before the two are complete mountain biking buddies.

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